How to glamp with out heavy gear

Abizy Team

Avid Gear Lovers

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Are you looking for a way to enjoy the great outdoors without lugging around heavy gear? Are you dreaming of a camping trip that’s more glamorous than your average tent setup? Glamping is the perfect solution! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to glamp with minimal gear – so you can enjoy all the luxuries of camping without any of the hassle.


1. Choose a Tent that Feels Spacious and Cozy

Are you ready to take your camping experience to the next level? If so, then glamping is the way to go! But you don’t have to lug heavy gear around to get the full glamping experience; you just need the right tent.

When it comes to glamping, a tent that feels spacious and cozy is key. Fortunately, there are plenty of tents on the market designed specifically for glamping. These tents often come with extra features like ambient lighting and larger windows that let in more natural light. They also tend to be made of higher-end fabrics like canvas that add a touch of luxury.

So when you’re shopping for a glamping tent, think about what kind of atmosphere you want to create and how much space you need. That way, you’ll be sure to find a tent that meets all your needs and helps make your camping experience as comfortable as possible. Below is my favorite.


Big Agnes Big House Group Camping Tent

2. Ambient Lighting is a Must

Do you want to turn camping into glamping? Then you need to pay attention to your lighting! Ambient lighting is a must for creating an inviting atmosphere. There are plenty of options for your outdoor lighting needs. You can choose from lanterns, string lights, torches, and more. Make sure the lights you choose are durable and weather-resistant. You can even choose lights that are solar-powered so you don’t have to worry about running out of juice. Make sure to place the lights strategically around your campsite to create a cozy atmosphere. Not only will it help you to find your way around at night, but it will also add a special touch to your glamping experience! I love the Olight Olantern. Click below to buy one for yourself.


OLIGHT Olantern Classic 2 Pro

3. Upgrade Your Sleeping Bag

Upgrading your sleeping bag is one of the most important steps when it comes to glamping. Not only does a good quality sleeping bag keep you warm and comfortable, but it also adds that extra touch of luxury. When looking for a sleeping bag, make sure to get one that is suitable for the season you are glamping in. Check the R-value of the sleeping bag and make sure it meets the minimum requirements for the environment you will be in. Investing in a foam camping pad is an excellent way to ensure comfort and quality while glamping. The foam pad will provide insulation and padding, making your camping trip that much more enjoyable. Personally, I like the Big Agnes Sidewinder SL Sleeping Bag.


Big Agnes Sidewinder SL Sleeping Bag.

4. Get the Right Gear

You’ve chosen the right tent and the perfect lighting, now it’s time for the most important part: getting the right gear. To make your camping experience as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, you’ll want to make sure you have the essentials. If you’re not sure what these are, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.


First and foremost, bring a sleeping bag that is lightweight and warm. Look for one with a cozy inner layer, like down or synthetic fill, to keep you warm even in cooler temperatures. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that you get the correct sleeping bag for your weather conditions – whether it’s a 3-season or 4-season bag.

Pack a soft sleeping bag and pillow for a great night’s rest. To keep your camping gear light, opt for a lightweight camping pillow instead of a bulky one.


For an added touch of luxury, you can also bring a blowup mattress. This will add insulation and comfort to your bedding set-up, making it much more enjoyable than sleeping on the hard ground. I love the Big Agnes Rapide SL Insulated Sleeping Pad.


Big Agnes Rapide SL Insulated Sleeping Pad

Finally, don’t forget to bring all of your other essential items such as cooking utensils, portable lighting, First Aid kit and toiletries. With these items in hand, you’ll be ready to take on whatever adventure awaits!


5. Consider the Weight of Your Gear

If you want to make sure that you can enjoy your glamping experience without lugging around heavy gear, then it’s essential to consider the weight of your gear. Look for items that are lightweight and easy to pack, such as a Cot One tent. This tent gets you just high enough off the ground to feel like you’re sleeping in a real bed without the extra weight. Another option is to replace your 8 lb shelter with one that is of equal strength but much lighter. If you don’t want to buy all your own equipment, you could always rent bell canvas tents from camping stores. Alternatively, some companies offer rental of camping gear, so you can get the ideal warmth-to-weight ratio without having to shell out the full price for all the items.


6. Look Out for Locations Desirable for Glamping

If you want to experience the best of glamping, it’s important to pick a location that is perfect for the experience. Look for places with natural beauty, serenity, and peace. You can check out parks, forests, meadows, or even beachfronts. Check out Trips to Discover’s 11 Best Glamping Spots in the USA for some of the best places where you can set up your tent. Some places offer additional amenities such as hot tubs and showers that can help you make your glamping experience even more luxurious!

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